Mrs. Doe I will be taking you downstairs for your ultrasound in thirty minutes, is that fine with you? "No! I want it done now and be over with!". Even though I used proper manner the patient was upset. That I had to take her somewhere to do a procedure. This type of behavior happens everyday all over the world. Pleasing patients 100% of the time is impossible even with the best care takers.
People have been accustom to having everything their way and on their time. Which is not a bad thing but you must understand that you're at a hospital. Where everything is unpredictable and can change without a notice! For example a hospital like Baylor Medical Center of Dallas have hundreds of beds and at any given time. Their will be people going to procedures at random times depending on which Dr. has order for their patients to go. Trying to schedule for a procedure has to be done in a general time and not so specific at times.
In America where our diets have changed dramatically over the decades can affect hospital stays. I had a patient once asked for soda after giving him fresh ice water. I will guarantee that you would not see that kind of behavior in a 3rd country world.
Have we become so needy in today's culture and just not be able to accept what we really need during a hospital stay? I've seen people take it like it is and others accept that they are at hospital and will follow the protocol as it was meant to be. You're not suppose to be waited on hand and feet but assist in your health to become better. I'm a strong believer in exceptional care but when do you cross the line when to much is to much?
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